Good Friday: Organizations, Forgive Them Father, For They Know Not What They Do.

Forgive me, for I am very cynical of organized religion, but it's not limited to religion. I'm cynical and lacking in trust of any organized group bonded together by a direct common cause. Why? Because people are flawed and evil by nature. It's human nature. Eventually these groups get poisoned by individuals who are willing to protect the group’s sins against their power and formed hierarchy elite at any cost, and the next thing you know you're nailing a guy onto a cross on a perfectly good Friday!
We can look at most of our political parties and civic organizations in our own country and see this happening as well. They're literally tearing our country apart as I write with division to no one's benefit but their own selfish agendas. Neither side can put their differences aside for the common sense or for a conversation even for the good of the country. They're full of corruption and will do about anything to protect their sins and power. I think I may have truly discovered my cynicism about organizations while in an organization called the U.S. Army on a deployment to Afghanistan. In 2007 I found myself on a fifteen-month deployment as a noncommissioned officer without being able to answer the important question of what was our mission? There was no clarity of mission of what we were supposed to be accomplishing. It was also on this deployment I learned how much certain individuals in non-government organizations like USAID or military contractors were making while the U.S. Soldier provided their security. It was at that very moment I realized the war effort was no longer about what it had started out to be.

Later I would sit in a classroom in the organization of college with political science teachers that discounted my opinions on Iraq and Afghanistan because, get this, I was actually there and because of my "bias" I can’t understand the “macro” issues they gathered from books. And then there is Congress, my favorite organization, (Enter mass amounts of sarcasm) They debate military benefits and pay, while asking them to do more with less. Create legislation and pass laws and regulations to the bid of lobbyist money for their pockets, not in the interest of you, me or country.

But one thing I've learned in all cases, it's not about groups. It's about individuals. A group or organization is only as good as its leadership. Going to church or associating with yourself with any of the Christian religions doesn't make you a Christian and associating yourself with any group or organization doesn't mean you have the best interest of others in mind.
For me, it's about my faith in and my relationship with Jesus and God. I pray every day for His guidance and wisdom, not just for me, but for all of us. And if I continue to be persecuted for that, that will be alright.
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do... And forgive me.
A Good Friday to you and a happy Easter weekend my friends.


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